Develop Your First Vuforia Studio Experience

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Recommended Steps
Overview: Develop Your First Vuforia Studio Experience

Get Started with Devices

Obtain the devices you’ll use for your augmented reality use case. If you’re using eyewear devices, make sure workers have the opportunity to experience what it’s like to use them in their day-to-day job.

01. Set up devices

The devices you’ve chosen to operate Vuforia View may require some initial setup or configuration. Verify your devices are connected to Wi-Fi and ready for use before proceeding. No need to install Vuforia View: for now, workers are learning the basics of the device, not the software.

02. Learn how to use eyewear devices

Eyewear devices like Microsoft HoloLens, RealWear, and Vuzix empower workers to consume AR experiences, hands free. These devices will soon become indispensable for workers of all kinds—but getting accustomed to eyewear devices takes practice. The gestures and/or voice commands used to interact with the device will feel strange, at first. Start acclimating workers to wearing and using the devices on the job as soon as possible. Some first-time users say wearing an eyewear device for as little as 15 minutes helped them get acclimated.

Recommended Resources

03. Start using Vuforia View on devices

After you set up your devices and download Vuforia View, your AR users are ready to learn how to use the app. If you have not yet created your own AR experiences, start with a sample experience. Under “Gallery,” select “Welcome Experience.” This tutorial will demonstrate how to interact with AR experiences and use key features in the app. Continue using the app by completing other experiences from the Gallery.

If your organization has published AR experiences, encourage your users to interact with them. Ensure the object/machine/product that your experience is designed for is nearby.

How to use Vuforia View:

  1. Open the Vuforia View app on your mobile or eyewear device.
  2. Depending on the tracking method used in the experience you want to view, access it using one of the following methods:
    • If your experience uses Model Tracking, open your Library and select the experience. Then, point your camera at the physical object ensuring that the digital wireframe lines up with the object correctly.
    • If your experience uses Spatial Tracking, open your Library and select the experience. Then, point your device at a flat surface and place the model in your environment.
    • If your experience uses a ThingMark, scan the ThingMark instead. If multiple experiences are associated to the ThingMark, select the appropriate one.
  3. Once your ThingMark or object has been scanned successfully, a list of Vuforia Studio AR experiences appears.
  4. Select an experience. Wait a moment for your experience to load. You may need to step away from the object to view the entire experience.
  5. Now you're ready to interact with the experience.

As the users are navigating the app, make note of any questions or difficulties they encounter.

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Previous Step

Set Up Your Account

Next Step

Install Vuforia Studio Software


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