Get Started with Creo+

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Recommended Steps
Overview: Get Started with Creo+

Prepare Your Users

Make sure the people who will use and support Creo+ are ready to go live. Communicate any updates to end users and distribute updated documentation.

01. Train admin and support teams

End users need to know where to go for technical support to reduce future downtime and achieve their project goals. Your admin and support teams should be the first people they contact for any bugs or errors they encounter.

Training your support team should involve:

  • Training around Creo+ user interface and functionality

  • Implementation of configurations and company customizations

  • Experience submitting and getting additional support from PTC Technical Support when needed

  • Creating and managing documentation

  • Managing user licenses

  • Localizing and setting up Creo+

To support your admin and support team training, we recommend all members:

Recommended Resources

02. Train end users

Ensure that everyone who will use Creo+ has the knowledge they need to get started. End users include anyone at your organization who will use Creo+ to do their jobs. Be clear when announcing when training is available so end users know how to access it.

Your end users need to know:

  • How Creo+ changes their job
  • How to use Creo+
  • How it is different from your current CAD software
  • How to get support or training
  • Where to find documentation
  • How to troubleshoot and report errors

Offer training at various times to maximize the number of end users who attend training. Providing options will improve attendance. In addition, track your end users' attendance at training sessions to effectively ensure adoption is met.

As you conduct training, monitor whether your approach is practical. For example, you may discover end users need more or less guidance or different formats (computer-based training, written documentation, etc.) for training.

Ideally, your organization has been communicating with end users about adopting Creo+ and how it will improve their jobs. End users may be more open to training if they understand why these changes are being made. The more training they receive, the fewer problems they will report when Creo+ is live, and the more comfortable they will be with Creo+.

When communicating updates with end users, always include your training documentation, go-live dates, and future follow-up for feedback details. 

If more extensive product training is required for your engineers, review sample curriculum and contact PTC University for our Creo Parametric Product Service Trainings.

Recommended Resources

03. Distribute Documentation

Distribute documentation to end users and technical support. Upload the documentation to a central training resources location if your organization has one (for example, a training library).

This documentation is critical for supporting Creo+ on an ongoing basis and will explain how to use Creo+ to perform their job duties.

04. Localize Creo+ for end users

PTC supports Creo+ engineers no matter where in the world they are. Creo+ and our help centers are available in multiple languages. 

You can install and start Creo Parametric in a specific language. You can localize the language you want in the Creo+ Help Center. This feature is controlled by 'PRO_LANG' and needs to be adjusted at start-up. We offer Help Centers in the following languages:

  • French

  • Chinese

  • German

  • Russian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Spanish

  • Italian

As you deploy Creo+ across your organization, consider which languages to apply to the software across different sites.

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Test and Validate

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Go Live


Product Documentation Find detailed technical documentation on Creo+ in our Help Center
Ask the Community Visit PTC's Creo Community to get support Peer-to-Peer, from our product management and assistance teams. Share ideas, give feedback and browse the wealth of information on using Creo+
Technical Support Need help from our support team? Log a case with eSupport using our Case Logger or find an answer using our new Creo Admin Troubleshooter tool. 

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