Get Started with Creo+

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Recommended Steps
Overview: Get Started with Creo+

Plan Communications

A crucial step in introducing change to your organization is informing and educating users about Creo+ in advance. Plan how to communicate with your organization about Creo+ and take steps to engage contributors, collect feedback, and ease the transition.

01. Create a communication plan

People are more open to change when they know what is happening in advance. So plan how you will communicate with the appropriate audiences to help manage change.

The end users are your most important audience. They need to know that change is coming, why it’s important, how Creo+ will make their work easier, and how they will learn to use it.

Use these questions to guide your communications plan:

  • Who are your audiences?
  • What does each audience care about the most?
  • What do they need to know to be successful?
  • When do they need to know it?
  • What is your schedule for communicating with your audience?
  • What are the existing or best channels for communication?
  • Who should deliver the message(s) for the information to be effective?
  • How often should you communicate with each audience?
  • When will you communicate information to different groups?
  • How can your audiences communicate their concerns with you?

Start these plans as soon as possible with the appropriate audiences. Announcing changes early and often helps generate support throughout the organization and will make the transition easier.

02. Build excitement and address concerns

Change can be uncomfortable—but it's inevitable for businesses to stay competitive. Implementing new technology like Creo+ is no different. However, there are ways to smooth the transition and build excitement for Creo+.

Consider how you’ll facilitate changes that Creo+ will bring. Your workforce will need to adopt a new mindset, develop new skills, and learn new technology and processes.  Prevent inaccurate assumptions by clearly communicating the value this new technology will bring to your organization.

03. Engage Leadership

Engage leadership and ask them to help you spread the news. You need buy-in from all levels of the organization, especially from end users. Consider sharing updates with executive leaders, managers, trainees, and other end users as appropriate.

Involve end users’ direct managers, if possible. If end users know their managers are excited about the change, they will be too.

Whenever you communicate about adopting Creo+, clearly articulate why you're adopting Creo+. Know how to explain:

  • Why your organization is making this change (and why it's beneficial to end users)

  • How it will affect the business 

  • Your end goal and timeline

Be transparent about new technology because end users may fear the new change could eliminate their jobs or create more work for them without explanation. Be sensitive to possible fears.

Introduce Creo+ to employees

One way to introduce Creo+ to employees is to show them its capabilities. Then, early in the project, recruit employees to help test it. By involving end users early and listening to their ideas, you encourage them to advocate for the project on your behalf.

Communicate in multiple ways

Use multiple methods of communication to reach your audiences. Consider communicating with your audiences using the following methods

  • Email 

  • Newsletters

  • Posters, banners, flyers

  • Internal social media

  • All-access website

  • Podcasts

  • Videos

  • Surveys

  • Demonstrations 

Emails alone are not enough when communicating an upcoming change. Make sure your plan contains various communication methods to maximize the reach of the message. The more your audiences see information about Creo+, the more open they’ll be to adopting it.

Establish a mechanism for listening to concerns

While it’s important to communicate, it’s also imperative to listen. Listening to your employees’ concerns should be a top priority. If stakeholder communication is only coming from one direction, you risk overlooking valuable feedback, inventive ideas, or important concerns from people in your organization.

Give your employees different methods to express their concerns or ideas empowering them to choose what works best for them. To help facilitate and elicit feedback, use one or more of the following methods:

  • An open forum or team website: Provide a forum where stakeholders can ask questions and make comments. Project leaders can help answer common questions across the organization

  • Group email: Some employees may be hesitant to post on a public forum. To engage them, consider creating a dedicated project email inbox

  • Anonymous survey: Send anonymous surveys throughout the process to gather honest feedback without the fear of repercussions

Whichever method you choose, be sure frontline workers, managers, new trainees, project participants, and other stakeholders know how to express concerns, share ideas, and ask questions.

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Plan Deployment

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Plan Adoption and Training Activities


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