PTC テクニカル サポート アカウント マネージャ (TSAM) は、PTC のグローバル サポート システムの多彩で充実した能力を活用し、お客様が抱えている重要な問題をすばやく正確に突き止め適切に対応できるよう、きめ細かな支援をご提供します。
別のタブ/ウィンドウで、別のアカウントに切り替えました ()。
Introduction |
Welcome to the PTC Customer Support Engagement Guide. PTC offers four options to actively get assistance for technical aspects of using PTC software:
Depending on the type of issue (like: is it more of a “How-To” question or a “Break/Fix” issue), impact of the topic (how is the topic impacting the value generated by the use of the PTC application) and urgency of the subject (how quickly would a feedback be required) users should choose what is best for their particular topic. Customers that reach out to PTC Technical Support leveraging the eSupport portal and the "My PTC Assistant" tool will be guided through these options in order to ensure the best course of action depending their topic at hand.
You'll also be able to report any feedback or improvements on this guide by selecting the "General Feedback" tile within the "My PTC Assistant"