Hill Helicopters
Creo and Windchill together gave the helicopter startup all the capabilities and data management tools they needed.
Read Their Story製造業、醫療照護產業和汽車業為了提升效率、生產力和競爭力,而採用各種科技,對工業電子裝置的需求多年來也不斷增加。COVID-19 疫情爆發後,電子高科技產業公司因為供應鏈中斷而感到拮据,導致重要元件短缺,再加上他們無法完全掌握供應鏈的狀況,使得問題更加嚴重。
為了轉變營運方向以適應現在的新常態,電子高科技產業公司會希望投資打造能即時掌握供應鏈現況的科技,以維持未來營運的靈活度和彈性,並採用 Digital Thread 和 Digital Twin 來擷取設計資料、做好版本控制,讓所有元件和系統都能發揮功效。
以下列出 PTC 能協助高科技產業因應的部分挑戰:
- 供應鏈數位化
- 產品開發和知識管理
- 物聯網 (IoT)、5G 和 AI 行動計畫
COVID-19 正在加快數位轉型的腳步;高科技產業希望能快速解決整個價值鏈中幾項最大的挑戰,以充分提升收益、降低成本和提高效率。
但隨著數位轉型的速度加快,許多公司也發現自家的行動計畫窒礙難行或是無法帶來價值。PTC 獨特的數位轉型方法,能找出影響程度最大的問題、導入經實證的解決方案,然後將成果擴大到整個企業,避免公司陷入先導計畫推動困境。公司將能在財務方面獲得極高的價值。
請繼續閱讀,了解 PTC 如何幫助您。
Long-life engineered structures and equipment provide the backbone of our communities. The companies in this sector design, manufacture, and maintain the equipment to help operate public utilities (power, gas, telecommunications, water supply and treatment), public works (roads and dams), and transportation (railroads, ports, waterways).
This sector encompasses companies that design, manufacture, assemble, test, and distribute electronic components and assemblies. They often work on contracts and are part of other electronic and high-tech companies’ supply chain.
Creo and Windchill together gave the helicopter startup all the capabilities and data management tools they needed.
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